Thursday, April 2, 2015

'Cardinal Sin': Counting Out Stanford

I got to cover a little basketball at the Garden this week.

Stanford was in the NIT semifinals--the Final Four of the Little Dance--and the San Francisco Chronicle was eager to cover it.

Being an east coaster, I mistakenly wrote "Stamford" just about every time I meant to write "Stanford." But at least I remembered that the team is called the Cardinal, not the Cardinals.

I had the opportunity to sit courtside with the other scribes and radio/TV folk, and tap out a quick story just after the game wrapped in the famed Madison Square Garden press box. I even caught a foul basketball! The game offered some real drama; Stamford Stanford went up 15-0, lost the lead, and ended up winning. The Cardinal plays for the NIT title tonight.

The story is here. It felt good to exercise some different muscles than I normally do.