Friday, June 21, 2024

It's A Matter of 'Trust'

I got to review Trust Her, a new novel from Flynn Berry, for the East Hampton Star. The book is about a woman in Dublin, raising a young son and making a life after bolting Belfast and changing her identity. 

Tessa's sister Marian was an IRA fixture, and Tessa ended up informing on the IRA with a British security organization With Marian quitting that life, both sisters are sought after by some nasty guys.  

I enjoyed the book. I wrote, "Berry offers a unique street-level view of Dublin, avoiding the tourist spots in favor of the byways the residents walk and drive down. It’s not always a flattering look at the city. 'The Liffey looks greasy and gray today as I cross above it on the footbridge,' Tessa says. 'Over Dublin, the light is flat and muddy, the sort of stark light that picks out the marks on skin, so all the faces coming toward me on the bridge look wrecked in one way or another, and I’m sure mine does, too.'”

Berry's previous books include Under the Harrow, A Double Life and Northern Spy. 

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